Click on species in box to find out more:
- Amphibian and Reptile:
- Badger:
- Bat:
- Bird:
- Freshwater Pearl Mussel:
- Otter:
- Pine Marten:
- Red Squirrel:
- Water Vole:
- Wild Cat:
Amphibian and Reptile
We can survey for a range of amphibians and reptiles including palmate newt, common frog, common toad, common lizard, slow worm and adder as required. We undertake trans-location of reptiles from work areas to suitable nearby habitat to ensure no direct harm to the species.
Badgers are found in rural and urban areas, both badgers and their setts are fully protected under UK legislation. We are experienced in badger survey, licence application, sett exclusion, sett destruction, establishing exclusion zones under licence and artificial sett design and construction.
A full range of bat surveys are available: bat roost; dusk/dawn or emergence; and bat activity surveys. Surveys follow Best Practice Guidelines from the Bat Conservation Trust. Local planning authorities generally request a bat survey to be completed where a development has reasonable likelihood of affecting bats and their roosts. These are legally protected against harm, disturbance, obstruction, damage and destruction.
Bird surveys may be required where a development may impact upon favourable bird habitats such as woodlands, uplands or wetlands. Wild birds are protected through the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) and Nature Conservation Act (Scotland) 2004. It is an offence to harm a wild bird or to damage or destroy an active nest. Certain species are afforded additional protection from disturbance through inclusion in Schedule 1 of this Act.
Freshwater Pearl Mussel
Freshwater pearl mussels are predominantly found in high quality rivers in Scotland, they are fully protected in the UK and surveys must be undertaken under license. This is a specific condition for proposed hydro-electric schemes as part of an Ecological Impact Assessment.
If a development area contains, or is next to, a watercourse or wetland otter surveys are likely to be requested. The River Tay is a Special Area of Conservation for its otter population and we have extensive experience of otter surveying, licence applications and mitigation measures.
Pine Marten
Tay Ecology has much experience of pine marten surveying in coniferous & deciduous woodland and on open rocky ground. Pine martens and their resting places are fully protected by law, we can provide advice and relevant mitigation measures in the event of pine martens being recorded on site.
Red Squirrel
Red squirrels can inhabit coniferous and deciduous woodlands, red squirrels and their dreys are fully protected in the UK. Work involving tree-felling almost always requires red squirrel surveys. Grey squirrel control and monitoring can also be undertaken in sensitive areas.
Water Vole
Developments impacting on watercourses may require a water vole survey. In Scotland the water vole's place of rest is protected & in England they receive full protection. Reasonable actions must be followed to minimise impacts and we can assist with mitigation and habitat requirements.
Wild Cat
As trained wild cat surveyors we will include these in our protected species surveys. Survey methods include daylight assessment and remote camera monitoring, wild cats can be found in woodland, moorland and open rocky ground habitats.
Let's Chat
To discuss your requirements, please contact Emma on 01796 472715 or 07747 883464 or send an email to info@tayecology.co.uk. You can also send us an enquiry here