Our Services

Training, Identification and Interpretation Courses

Upland Habitats and the Mountain Environment
Mountains have captivated people through song, poetry and painting for centuries.  The people who lived and worked in these extraordinary places have long known of their intriguing flora and fauna.  However, it is only relatively recently that the importance of these upland ecosystems has been understood.  This course examines upland habitats and species, including birds, such as the ptarmigan, mammals including the mountain hare, and specialist upland plants.  It looks at how humans have shaped the landscape, and the management conflicts & climate change that threaten them.
Courses can be arranged across all Scottish mountain areas.

The Caledonian Pine Forest Habitat
With its ancient pines and spectacular mountain scenery, the Caledonian Forest is Scotland’s most iconic landscape.  It takes its name from the Roman name for Scotland, ‘Caledonia’, which translates as ‘wooded heights’.  Together with the native Scot’s pine, birch, rowan, aspen and juniper can all be found.  The forest is home to birds such as the capercaillie, crested tit and  Scottish crossbill; and mammals including the red deer, red squirrel, pine marten and wild cat.
Courses can be arranged in native pine woods across Scotland.

Scottish Geology, Landforms and Processes
Scotland’s geodiversity is world-class: from the 3000 million year old Lewisian gneiss of the NW Highlands to the 60 million year old volcanic rocks of the Isle of Skye.  Colliding continents, erupting volcanoes and sheets of ice have all played a role in shaping the natural landscape.  Over geological time, Scotland has travelled from the South Pole, past the equator to its present day latitude.  For its size, Scotland has the most varied geology and landscape of any country on the planet.
Courses can be arranged across Scotland from beginner’s rock identification to the story of Scotland’s geological history.

Mammal Ecology, Identification and Interpretation
Become a nature detective with Tay Ecology!  We offer a full range of mammal ecology and identification courses including tracks and trails interpretation to aid species recognition; live small mammal trapping; and bat walks.  Activities are adjusted according to the audience and we can cater to formal staff training; general public awareness events and children's activity programmes. 

Tree, Wild Flower & Fungi Identification and Interpretation
We deliver summer and winter native and non-native tree identification programmes; beginner's introduction to wild flowers and their uses; and fungi identification and folklore courses.  If you require interpretation for your site in the form of leaflets, panels or displays we can design bespoke packages to match your needs. 

Let's Chat

To discuss your requirements, please contact Emma on 01796 472715 or 07747 883464 or send an email to info@tayecology.co.uk. You can also send us an enquiry here